Family Support | Manistee Early On


Located in Manistee County, the Manistee Intermediate School District is a regional service agency which provides instructional and administrative services to four public school districts, two public academies and two non-public schools. We serve the community by helping all learners reach their full potential. The Manistee Intermediate School District proudly services the school districts of:

  • Bear Lake Schools
  • Kaleva Norman Dickson Schools
  • Manistee Area Public Schools
  • Onekama Consolidated Schools
  • Manistee Catholic Central
  • Trinity Lutheran Schools
  • Casman Academy
  • Michigan Great Lakes Virtual Academy

The ISD also works in consortium with many of the local service agencies to provide valuable opportunities for the children of Manistee County.

About Us


  • The mission of the Manistee Intermediate School District is to help all learners reach full potential.


  • Manistee ISD will provide services that will improve teaching and learning.
  • Manistee ISD will provide services to assist local districts to comply with local, state and federal mandates.
  • Manistee ISD will provide services to improve the quality, enhance efficiency, and foster cooperation and collaboration in our educational service area.

Nestled in Northern Lower Michigan, the County of Manistee is comprised of 550 square miles of beautiful forests, inland lakes and streams. The 2000 Census reported a population of 24,527 residents, which is a 15.3% growth over the past 10 years. This is above the State (6.9%) and National (13.2%) averages. Created in 1962 by the Michigan Legislature, ISDs provide a link between the State Department of Education and the State’s public schools. Manistee ISD strives to provide its local school districts educational updates, technology services, Special Education services for low incidence/high needs children and is a direct link to the State Department of Education. The ISD also serves as the Department of Education’s contact agency for various informational reports that are due during the course of the year.

Located in Manistee County, the Manistee ISD has one main campus at 772 East Parkdale Avenue in Manistee Michigan. There are 4 public school districts, 2 public academy, 2 non-public schools and one community college in our service area. Manistee Intermediate School District proudly services the school districts of Bear Lake, Kaleva Norman Dickson, Manistee Area Public Schools, Onekama Consolidated, and one Public School Academy–Casman Alternative Academy. The ISD also works in consortium with many of the local service agencies to provide valuable opportunities for the children of Manistee County.

Google Map of 772 E. Parkdale Manistee, MI 49660 Manistee Early On
772 E. Parkdale
Manistee, MI 49660

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