Manistee County has been chosen to participate in First Children’s Finance Rural Child Care Innovation Program (RCCIP). The program is a community engagement process designed to develop right-sized solutions to address the needs of childcare and early education for the communities selected.  Throughout this process we are surveying parents, employers, and childcare providers to obtain a clearer picture of our childcare landscape and needs.

We would like to invite the community to participate in a Town Hall meeting on Wednesday, September 28th from 3pm - 5pm at the West Shore Community College Downtown Education Center where we hope to share what we have learned in this process thus far and ask for input on moving toward our goal of a strong, sustainable early childhood system. The RCCIP Core Team has been gathering data from community parents, child care providers, and employers to better understand our current child care landscape and identify key challenges. We look forward to sharing these key findings and welcome your participation in this important community discussion. Please see the attached flyer for details and complete the RSVP form by clicking HERE.
For questions about the process or the townhall , please contact  
Hannah Rodriguez, Manistee County Community Foundation [email protected] or 231-723-7269
Niki Schultz, Great Start Collaborative, [email protected] or 231-878-6544

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