Wexford-Missaukee-Manistee Great Start CollaborativeWexford-Missaukee-Manistee Great Start Collaborative
Non-Profit Organization | Launch Manistee

Launch Manistee is the Manistee County cradle-to-career educational initiative. Launch Manistee is a network of partners from education, business, government, human services, work force development, philanthropy, and other organizations. The Manistee County Community Foundation provides the administrative and fiscal management. A Leadership Team and three Action Teams with cross sector membership provide strategic and fiscal management. Launch Manistee has two date driven goals which establish the organizational focus and priorities:

  1. By 2020, all three and four year-old children in Manistee Country will have access to a range of options for quality preschool experiences regardless of ability to pay.  
  2.  By 2025, 60 percent of Manistee Country residents age 25-64 will have a post- secondary degree or credential.

Launch Manistee believes that quality preschool experiences have been proven to have long-term positive impacts on a student's success and continues to promote an increase in access for a high quality preschool experience through financial assistance and programming development.

Launch Manistee is a proud co-facilitator of the Manistee Early Childhood Collaboration (ECC), a committee member of the Manistee County Preschool Scholarship Committee, and the catalyst of the development and distribution of the Manistee County School Readiness pamphlet and guide (2018).  


Google Map of 395 Third Street Manistee, Michigan 49660 Launch Manistee
395 Third Street
Manistee, Michigan 49660

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